Caroline's Story: finding resources and community with The Breastfeeding Center

The Breastfeeding Center of Greater Washington (BCGW) is an excellent resource and one-stop-shop for all things breastfeeding.

I first heard about the BCGW from my midwife in 2018 before the birth of our first baby. She gave me a pamphlet with all the classes the BCGW offered. So I attended one of their monthly free classes on breastfeeding for first-time mothers and was encouraged by all the parents-to-be attending. The class was very informative and despite my memory being a fog after the birth of our baby, there were a few key tips I remembered and found helpful (i.e. how to hold the baby in a good position to promote a good latch).

A few days after our home birth I was finding breastfeeding very painful. I called the BCGW and they immediately set me up for an in-home lactation consultation. The lactation consultant came to our house and assessed all aspects of my breastfeeding experience from how I held the baby to how she latched. She gave very practical advice, and brought different tools such as a nipple shield of which I had never heard of before. She also advised me on different hand pumps as I was not wanting to pump regularly, but needed something to express milk while my aching nipples healed. It was so helpful for her to come into the environment I breastfed the most (i.e. living room lying on the couch), and give advice tailored to me and my baby. The BCGW lactation consultant helped me physically and mentally so that the challenges I faced with breastfeeding did not cause me to give up.

When my baby was six weeks old I was still in some pain despite the nipple shield and putting the tips from the lactation consultant into practice. So I went into the BCGW and met with another lactation consultant who confirmed my daughter had a lip and tongue tie. She referred me to local dentists/doctors who perform lip & tongue tie laser surgery. After having this performed on my baby breastfeeding greatly improved and I was able to continue until she was two years old.

I had issues with my insurance covering both lactation consultations, and the friendly staff at BCGW were very helpful in providing me with all the information and paperwork I needed to appeal my insurance. Since we received very little coverage in the end, the BCGW allowed me to do volunteer hours instead of paying for the second consultation out of pocket. This ability to do volunteer hours in exchange for the consultations was a great financial relief, and I was therefore not deterred to get the help I needed from the BCGW.

After previously having such a positive experience with the Breastfeeding Center of Greater Washington I did not hesitate to immediately call them after I started having issues with a fast let-down and oversupply with my second baby. Even in the midst of COVID restrictions, the BCGW did all they could to safely troubleshoot my current situation. I had both telehealth and in-person consultation which again brought not only physical help for my baby and I, but also mental reassurance that all would be well.

In addition to the class and lactation consultations, I’ve gone to the Breastfeeding Center of Greater Washington to be fitted for and purchase breastfeeding bras. I also discovered a great brand of clothing for nursing (BOOB Design) from browsing their clothing rack. Although I never used a breast pump, I was always impressed by the various pumps and other supplies the BCGW sold in their store. The BCGW staff are always so kind and helpful whether they are assisting with a bra fitting, answering my billing or volunteer questions, or scheduling me for a class or consult. As a first-time mother so much feels awkward and overwhelming, but at the BCGW I am always made to feel comfortable and normal no matter my struggles.

We are incredibly blessed to have this amazing resource here in D.C., and I hope that every new mother can know about it and be supported by all the BCGW has to offer!

StoryAngel Yarbor