Self-Compassion in Breastfeeding: No Shame in No Freezer Stash By Cam Hurtado

We know having a freezer stash feels major to you, but we’re here to remind you that every drop counts and to not stress yourself out trying to fill a freezer. No shame in your lactation game. Read the full blog for affirmations and a gentle reminder that your best is good enough! And, if you need help figuring out the best dynamic for your family our team would love to support you!

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Angel Yarbor
Breastfeeding With Allergy and Cold Season in Mind by Ida Hanson, IBCLC Candidate

Spring is here and so is allergy and cold season and we know finding suitable remedies for common colds are important to you. In this weeks blog post, discover safe and effective ways to manage cold symptoms while breastfeeding, including a detailed list of medications to avoid and natural remedies + OTC options to consider. Remember, always consult with your lactation consultant for personalized advice!

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TipsAngel Yarbor
Milk Banks Need More Donors: How You Can Help!

Did you know that every year, over 72,000+ medically fragile babies are born each year? Donor human milk can be a lifesaving defense for the most vulnerable little ones. Human Milk Banks across the US are doing their best to ensure the need for donor milk is met, but we need your help! If you or someone you know may have extra milk and can donate, there is a need! Read the blog for more details on how donor milk is changing the game and how to become a donor!

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Angel Yarbor
Ceres Chiller Milk Storage Bottle: Elevating Breast Milk Storage

We get questions all the time from parents searching for a storage option that allows them to be mobile with ease.We know that figuring out the timing of it all can be tricky, but luckily, the Ceres OG Breastmilk Chiller is here to ease the process! Whether you are returning to work, traveling, or simply building up a stash to have on-hand, having a reliable storage system can be a stress reliever. Read the full blog here for more info on the Ceres CHiller.

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Angel Yarbor
Maymom Flanges:
Which One Is Right For Me?

Finding the perfect flange can be a hassle, but since we’ve introduced maymom flanges to our shop, its gotten a bit easier. if you have not yet heard of Maymom, it is a brand that makes pump parts that can be interchanged with many different pump brands. In today’s blog, we break down all the various sizes and options that are available and how you might find the perfect size for you.

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A Gentle Guide to Weaning

Let’s talk about weaning.  Weaning is the winding down of the breastfeeding/ lactation process, and looks different for each family. Whether you’re ready to wean, preparing to wean at some point, or just curious, we’ve got a guide here for you. Read the full blog for more details

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Angel Yarbor
Bridging the Parenting Style Gap with Adam Angel

Join Adam at the Nurture Nook for a free 1 hour discussion on how to Bridge the Parenting Style Gap on Oct 8th at 10am! Adam works with over 150 dads every year in various fatherhood support groups and therapy sessions. Adam knows that parenting can be tough, and not only that, but parents are struggling to measure up to impossible societal standards, He points out that not just moms, but dads too are struggling when it comes to raising their kids. The key, as he sees it, is to work together  and find a way to care for their children while also taking care of themselves and their relationships. Read more on how parent’s can bridge the gap on the blog and make sure you join Adam at the Nurture Nook on 10/8 at 10am!

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Angel Yarbor
River's Breastfeeding Journey w/ Gina Caruso-Rissing

“If River’s birth and breastfeeding journey taught me one thing, it’s that none of this is black and white. It can all be both beautiful and heartbreaking, the hardest thing and also the most natural, filled with love and also with anxiety and uncertainty. What’s best for me and my daughter is best for us, but that doesn’t mean it’s best for everyone.”After recovering from birth complications and a cesarean, Gina was determined to breastfeed her little one, River despite the obstacles. In honor of World Breastfeeding Week, Gina shares their story

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Ask the Pediatric Dentist with Dr. Jonelle Anamelechi

Dr. Anamelechi of Children’s Choice Dentistry answers a few question the top asked questions of the month of June! Have you ever wondered if breastfeeding can cause cavities or have you, or do you have questions concerning tongue ties? Dr. Anamelechi answers some of those questions in today’s blog! If you have further questions, you can find Dr. Anamelechi over on Instagram @childrenschoicedentaldc

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Angel Yarbor
The Role of Fatherhood and the Importance of Mental Health and Community Support with Adam Angel

Dad’s Mental Health matters! Join Adam in a discussion on fatherhood and the importance of mental health and community. Additionally,, PSI’s Perinatal Mental Health Alliance for People of Color (PMHA-POC) is hosting a panel of experts on mental health, parent support, Black masculinities, and fatherhood on June 19th at 11am pacific/ 2pm eastern. Please join them to learn and continue the dialogue. 

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Angel Yarbor