Tips and resources for parents returning to work

Returning to work as a breastfeeding parent can be challenging. You’ve probably been home with your little one for a bit now and you are wondering how you’ll make this transition work? You might feel anxious, and uncertain. Both new and returning parents can relate to this feeling, it isn’t easy! We aim to offer supportive resources as your journey feeding your little one unfolds, below you’ll find a guide with a few helpful tips to make that transition a bit easier.  For a more comprehensive class, join us for Pumping Strategies + Returning to Work with our lactation consultant, Heather Evans virtually, register here

#1 Plan for your return.

Planning will save you an abundance of time and anxiety when you do return to work. About 2-3 weeks prior to your return to work take a field trip to your workplace. If returning physically to the space isn’t possible, we recommend speaking with your employer to ensure a few options are available to you:

  • Speak to your employer to let them know you are returning to work while nursing your little one and may require a bit more flexibility with breaks to pump. Don’t be shy, inform them of your needs during this time.

  • Since you’ll predominantly rely on your pump to express milk for your little one you’ll want to be sure that there is a reliable, clean facility or space available to you.

  • You’ll also want to be sure that there is space available for you to store your milk! (refrigerator, cooler, etc)

  • It might be helpful to start compiling a freezer stash as having this frozen milk will give you a bit of wiggle room and give a bit more peace of mind for you as you return to work and are figuring out this new pumping schedule and nailing down a routine.

Rights at work: The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) requires employers to allot a reasonable amount of break time and an acceptable and accessible facility for nursing parents to continue pumping for their babies upon their return to work. For a quick reference guide of what this law entails, click here

#2. Get acquainted with your pump and the supplies that go along with it. Begin pumping regularly.

  • Practice relaxing your muscles and body while pumping, give your breast/chest a gentle massage to get started and wake them up to signal a letdown.

  • Ensure you have an extra set of parts for your pump. If possible leave a set at work for days that you forget your parts at home. Trust us, it’s bound to happen.

  • Keep your parts stored and cleaned thoroughly prior to the beginning of each day, you can find a full guide here (scroll for tips on cleaning). Invest in Quick Clean Products for your convenience. The products are great when you are on the go or need quick access to cleaning options for your pump supplies in a pinch. 

  • Keep a cooler with ice packs on hand for easy transport of expressed human milk.

#3. Dress for Success

Nursing and pumping bras are amazing and change the game for working parents; making it an easier transition to pump during their day. These bras are super convenient and needed for parents returning to work. You have your nursing bras, your pumping bras, and the best of both worlds - nursing and pumping bras! 

How do they work? They all have their own system, however, the key need for parents returning to work here is the hands free pumping experience that a pumping bra gives you. Pumping bras typically have fabric that is engineered to “hold” your flanges making it 100% easier to pump hands free. Here at The Breastfeeding Center, we offer an array of nursing and pumping bras to enhance parents’ daily life. Our full catalog can be found on our website here

If you are newly postpartum or have no idea where to start with bra options, we’ve got you covered with bra fittings! Our bra consultants discuss size changes you can expect, troubleshoot fit issues you’re having or that you’d like to avoid, discuss pros/cons of different brands/styles for you, and answer any questions to get you ready for work or just a more conveniently fitting bra! 

Dealing with separation from your little one

It can be hard to be away from your squishy little baby. It may be a useful idea to return to work part-time first, or even partially remote if at all possible. If not, try a consistent schedule. This may help to ease your anxiety by knowing exactly when you’ll be leaving the baby and coming home. This also helps your little one stay on a consistent routine.

A few other tips that both benefit you and your baby while nursing and combat that separation anxiety that might come up for you:

  • Bond and cuddle with your little one a bit more when you are away from work. 

  • Nurse baby when you are at home and give them plenty of skin-to-skin time.

  • Ensure that when you do leave your little one that this is a calm and peaceful time, Remember if you are calm, baby can sense that. If you are upset, your little one can sense that too! 

  • Be gentle with yourself and this transition.

Returning to work can feel a bit overwhelming and maybe even a little stressful. It can also feel like a return to another normal for some. Know that you aren’t alone and there are many resources available and plenty of avenues of support.


Breastfeeding + Pump Basics:

This class gives expectant parents evidence-based information to get breastfeeding off to a good start. We will discuss the learning curve of the early weeks and what to do if things aren’t unfolding as planned. Then we’ll explore pumps and other tools that help parents maintain the breastfeeding relationship in our modern lives. Ask your questions throughout, so you can feel more prepared to welcome your baby. Registration includes gestational parent + a support person.

Pumping Strategies & Return to Work - COVID Edition 

We suggest this class about a month before your return to work date. It can also be helpful to take pump basics which runs prior to this class, especially if you are not yet familiar with pumping and bottle feeding. This class covers techniques to make this transition easier for you and your baby. We talk through emotions, logistics, timing, supply worries, where you will be pumping, equipment needed, milk storage and techniques to maximize pumping volume

Pregnancy & Postnatal Rights at Work

Learn about your perinatal rights in the workplace! Get prepared!

Take a look at our Workplace Support Resource guide here for continued support!

Would you prefer 1:1 lactation support to assist in this transition? We’ve got you covered. Book an appointment with one of our very own lactation consultants. Happen to be missing pump parts or nursing supplies and in a rush to get to work or pump? We’ve got them too. Stop by our shop open Monday - Thursday, 9am-6pm and Friday and Saturday 9am-2:30pm. We’re happy to support our community during their perinatal journey.

TipsAngel Yarbor