Whether it is putting your pump kit together, ongoing washing, or little ones stepping and breaking a backflow protector (it happens!), pump parts go through a lot of wear and tear. But when is it time to get rid of your pump parts for good? And if they are ready to be tossed, where should they go?
Read MoreSpring is here and so is allergy and cold season and we know finding suitable remedies for common colds are important to you. In this weeks blog post, discover safe and effective ways to manage cold symptoms while breastfeeding, including a detailed list of medications to avoid and natural remedies + OTC options to consider. Remember, always consult with your lactation consultant for personalized advice!
Read MoreInterested in learning more about soothing your fussy baby. We’ve provided just a few soothing techniques that can be helpful for parents who may have run out of ideas or are just looking for a few more to add to their arsenal. We also provide resources and other tips for quick access in a pinch!
Read MoreLet’s take it back to the basics. Have you ever asked yourself, “Is my baby getting enough milk”. Well, we’ve compiled some helpful tips on latching, positioning, and weighted feeds. We also have included a helpful handout that can be saved, downloaded, or screenshot for later use!
Read MoreNursing a baby doesn’t have to be a one person show. You can most definitely get your family and loved ones involved. A few simple actions can help you feel supported and a bit less stressed too! Check out today’s blog for some actionable tips you might use to get your support system involved.
Read MoreSetting expectations and understanding the nuances of bodyfeeding can create more ease during feedings. Read with us as we explore the feeding relationship with a preemie, low birth weight, or babies that happen to be small for their gestational age.
Read MoreNursing parents can benefit from a convenient space that works for them while feeding their baby! We outline a few of our favorite essentials that we’ve found to help parents have an easier feeding experience.
Read MoreAccess to credible and convenient information can make all the difference when challenges arise for new nursing parents. Read along as we break down five breastfeeding myths and provide the answers!
Read MoreWhether supplementing or exclusively feeding your baby formula, it is super important to have a grasp on the basics of safe formula preparation to keep your little one healthy. This blog discusses bottle sterilization, formula preparation, storage, and the importance.
Read MoreLearning the ins and outs of breastfeeding can take time. Finding the tools that work for you and your baby can be a game changer, here are some great position and hold to keep in your back pocket while feeding your little one!
Read MoreAre you pregnant and hoping to breastfeed? Don’t wait to prepare - start now! In this blog, we offer a few tips to get you on the right track for a optimal start to breastfeeding.
Read MoreThe formula shortage crisis has affected many families nationwide. Many parents are reporting frustration with being told to “just breastfeed” while frantically searching for formula to feed their children. We wanted to offer a different dialogue on why “ just breastfeed” may not only be unhelpful but also harmful during this time. We support many families in having successful feeding journeys and we know that can look so different for many families. We hope this piece evokes more compassion for families as the nation grapples with solutions for all.
Read MoreAs many parents and caregivers are struggling to find proper nutritional sources for their young ones amid the recent formula shortage, we, at The Breastfeeding Center for Greater Washington, are here to help! Below is an extensive list of resources to help your family amid this ongoing crisis.
Read MoreEach April, we celebrate Cesarean (C- section) Awareness Month. This campaign aims to raise awareness and educate people about a variety of topics related to cesareans. If you had a planned or emergency C-section, we have resources and information to help you care for yourself, your body, and your baby after your procedure.
Read MoreHigh lipase can change the smell of expressed milk and cause a baby to no longer want to accept it. The good news is that you don’t have to part with your liquid gold. Bookmark this blog for a great tip to decrease that lipase!
Read MorePaced bottle-feeding is a method to slow the flow of a bottle, and encourage breastfeeding behaviors of a wide mouth and an active suck. This method is used to help prevent babies from getting used to a fast flow which is vital for the nursing baby! We explore the ins and outs of the method in this post.
Read MoreReturning to work as a breastfeeding parent can be challenging. You’ve probably been home with your little one for a bit now and you are wondering how you’ll make this transition work? No worries! We're here to help! Read the full article for tips and resources to make the transition for you and your family much easier.
Read MoreWe’re back with another post to demystify breast pumps and their adjoining parts! Did you know your flange size can have a huge impact on both your supply and pumping experience? Read this weeks blog for all of our flange secrets!
Read MoreOverwhelmed with the search to find the breast pump for you? We’re here to help!
Read MoreWritten by Breastfeeding Center client and global health professional, Kelli Cappelier in June 2018. Her tips are still useful and relevant today!
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